Funtasia is constantly evolving and changing. Same way we are: all those wonderful people who come here to work, volunteer and ultimately to visit and enjoy the atmosphere and beauty that was created.
When we could no longer spray the grounds with chemicals (about 8 years ago) for it to look artificially pretty and weed free, we took a bold leap of faith and stopped. That was the beginning of a new era. The volunteers started comming (we were pretty scared of the amount of weeds that we first saw everywhere), we learned to manage the grounds, adjusted our watering, re-seeded the grounds with clover, manually pulled the weeds… We started to see more butterflies, new species of flora that we learned were very beneficial for our well beeing. And we felt very good seeing children playing on the lawn that was healthy.
Our rocky soil is can be a real challenge. Yet we grow beautiful flower gardens and also an organic garden – in season, salad and smoothie makings and herbs come from this garden.
The animals are an integral part of this succes. They not only connect with our guests in a very unique way but also create manure that is used in enriching the soil. Some of our animals have been rescued, some needed a home after their previous owners could not take care of them anymore. Some are starting to grow pretty old (and are reminding us of the natural cycles of nature) but they are still very dear to us. Thanks to all our guests that support the park they have a nice place for their retirement.